Trade Fair Consulting

Successful companies understand that trade fairs are an important instrument for marketing and sales. They know that extensive preparatory work, a qualified trade fair team, and a thorough trade fair follow-up will make the fair successful.

Successful at Trade Fairs?

Trade fair etiquette for the professional trade fair team

The professional trade fair team is an important factor for a successful trade fair appearance


Here are some tips - as a trade fair guide - for attentive and visitor-oriented stand staff:

  • Fixed trade fair rules
  • Arrive at the stand fit, rested and punctual (this is not possible with a lot of alcohol late at night.)
  • Well-groomed appearance, fresh breath
  • Tie, suit or clothing appropriate to the target group (corporate identity, visitors recognize staff immediately)
  • Wear name tags on the left lapel
  • Keep your hands open and above your belt line
  • Exchange business cards
  • No use of cell phones or PCs on the stand
  • The trade fair counter is not a bar
  • Deregister with the trade fair management if you are absent from the stand and evening event
  • Trade fair form provided with an abbreviation. Write legibly (block letters)
  • Note the priority of the contact for follow-up on the trade fair form (H = High / L = Low)


What characterizes a professional and active trade fair team?

  • Optimal competence mix: 50% sales, 50% technical competence
  • Invite customers personally in advance - even non-buying customers. If no one comes, it gets boring
  • Set personal main goals and achieve them systematically
  • Know product/service strengths that stand out from the competition
  • Know company goals and help achieve them
  • Keep your eyes open for new prospects and customers
  • Convey the essential trade fair message in every conversation
  • Personalize the brochures you provide with your own notes (they are less likely to be thrown away)
  • Attention time thieves! No conversation longer than 30 minutes (this is not the aim of the trade fair, it is better to arrange a visit)
  • Also distribute the giveaways that you brought with you


Avoid trade fair errors

  • Do not stand together and talk to several colleagues for a long period of time. This scares visitors away because they think they are being a nuisance. It's better to leave the stand for longer conversations, but keep an eye on it.
  • Always present yourself positively and attentively at the stand. (Do not use your laptop, cell phone, newspaper, etc.)
  • Only sit in the lounge together with visitors
  • Only eat in the lounge
  • Don’t ignore customers/visitors or keep them waiting


Trade fair follow-up

  • Create resources
  • Process contacts with the highest priority first
  • Call X number of trade fair forms every day. It happens that the “hot” leads being left lying around for too long becomes “cold” contacts.